Release Notes 🔗︎

Page Caching is set via HTTP Header 🔗︎

The handheld server has so far not sent any information about the caching behavior in the HTTP header. In this case, some browsers perform page caching on their own. This has resulted in pages with outdated content being output in the browser.

With this version of the handheld server, the caching behavior is being set in the HTTP header: Cache-control: no-cache and Pragma: no-cache.

HTML Pages can be logged 🔗︎

To be able to analyze errors more easily, it can be helpful to log the generated HTML pages in the file system on the server. HTML pages will be logged if the LogHTMLToFile is set to the value 1 in the configuration file. The HTML pages are stored in the temporary application directory.

When starting the handheld server, you can see in the event display or the console at which location the configuration file and the temporary application directory can be found in the file system.

Unclear Error Message during Login 🔗︎

In environments where user name and password are entered on two separate pages (configuration: LoginType = UserPasswordSeparated), there has been an unclear error message. For example, there was output the error message

Login data incorrect.

In this version, the following detailed error message occurs:

You do not have permission to run the Handheld Server Setup table. Contact your system administrator to have your permissions changed.

Error with Speech Outputs 🔗︎

When using speech outputs (e.g. Audio.Speech('This is a speech instruction');), there was a problem with the internal calculation of a continuous counter. This led to an error message under some circumstances.

The bug has been fixed with this version.

Configuration Setting FORMMETHOD shows no Effect 🔗︎

The method used to transfer the form data can be set using the FormMethod setting in the configuration file. However, the two possible setting values Get and Post did not show any effects so far. The Post method was always used.

The bug has been fixed with this version.